Madison Square Park and Vicinity in New York City

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Located between Fifth and Madison Avenues and 23rd and 26th Streets, Madison Square Park had its place in history as having been the spot where the Statue of Liberty's right hand and torch stood for a number of years for the sake of raising funds for its pedestal. Madison Square was also the home to our first two Madison Square Gardens. 'But apart from these facts and other parts its had in history, what stands out today when it comes to Madison Square Park is the architecture which surrounds it. In the photos above you'll see some of the buildings located in the vicinity.
Photo at the top features both the New York Life Building and the MetLife Tower with the trees of Madison Square Park below. Besides the Chrysler, Empire State and other NYC skyscrapers, these two buildings can be seen from far off distances within and outside of New York City. Both are located on Madison Avenue at the east side of the park. The second photo shows you the Flatiron building located on the southern end of the park at 23rd Street where 5th Avenue and Broadway meet. The last photo is one of the MetLife Tower soaring above Madison Square Park with the Flag boldly waving in the afternoon gust. This tower is just as beautiful during the evening as it is in daylight.

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