New York City during our February of 2003 Snow Storm These photos are for personal use only, and non commercial.You need to get permission from the Webmaster in order to use them for commercial purposes. These photos are large in size so you'll need to give them a minute or so to load on a 56k connection. View also the text below the photos |
we are during New York City's 3rd Major Snow Storm of the season from
2002 into 2003. Central Park and the rest of the city was just as beautiful
as ever during such fall of snow. Photos above include the Brooklyn
Bridge as well as kids and adults sliding along one hill within Central
Park and the photo just above is of a dog sniffing along through the snow
as two gorgeous firs stand nearby covered with our white blessing.
- February Blizzard Photos
(Storm #4 or 5 of the season?) |
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