Morningside Park in Winter, NYC Photos Gallery - Page 1
Winter's day at the edge of Morningside Park. A wonderful high point of NYC.
Here we are facing west from Morningside Avenue towards Morningside Park with part of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in the background. As the name implies, this is Morningside Park. Even in the mid afternoon there's such an abundance of sun shining upon this highest point of the park. At over 29 acres with fortifications here and there (remnants of the battles during the American Revolution), this park is quite a classic piece of New York City's history.

Stairs leading one a good distance above ground within Morningside Park. Bare trees bask in the Winter Sun.
Just a couple of spots where stairs lead to the higher points of the park.
On this January Winter's day, the wind and cold was brutal.
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